![Affichebeeld zonder info](https://codedans.be/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/b-White-Space-beeld-2-1024x683.jpg)
![Affichebeeld met info](https://codedans.be/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/a-White-Space-affiche-2-724x1024.jpg)
élan danse
14.10.2022 20:00
30CC/Schouwburg Leuven
Bondgenotenlaan 21
3000 Leuven
How to get there: https://www.30cc.be/nl/locatie/30ccschouwburg
‘Something always comes to fill the empty spaces
and this is what I’ve come to do with white space. I invite thanks.’
'White Space' is a symbiosis of word, dance and music on loss, grief and change. But also about hope and love.
To share love and to deal with change by spreading positive energy. An exciting exercise in striking a balance between thinking realistically and an optimistic and constructive discharge of energy.
Manu Keirse will be delivering a lecture on ‘helping at times of loss and grief’. Using recognisable examples, he will show how grief is not the same as farewell, but rather learning to hold on to someone or something in a different way.
He discusses not just the loss of bereavement, but he also considers other situations of loss that are unjustly ignored, like the loss of health, your job, your future perspectives, ambitions, expectations, your philosophy of life.
This lecture will be interspersed with choreographies and music.
Experience from the care industry and science are combined with dance and music to make the discussion of these subjects easier.
That way we shall be thinking about these subjects, and feeling them.
concept and production élan danse led by Nathalie & Lauren
lecture Manu Keirse (author of ‘Vingerafdruk van verdriet’, ‘Helpen bij verlies en verdriet’)
choreography élan danse & dancers Cliff, Damiano, Lauren, Lucca, Nathalie, Sandrine, Tobi
photography Bardtphoto
video David Jacobs – Jacowbsky sound Selv/Maarten Deboes
lighting design TECside/Giovanni Desramault
with the support of Danspunt
élan danse regards dance as not just a means of creating strong dancers, but as a means of forming strong, resilient individuals who can stand up for themselves. This is why the production has been created with a mix of dancers: professional, amateur, adult, youth and children.
élan danse wants to invest in the training of dancers. We work to help people realise their potential. We do this by focussing on a group spirit in which everyone’s contribution is valued, allowing every person/dancer to shine at their level. In addition to that, it is also our mission to encourage the discussion of social issues.
concept and production : élan danse o.l.v. Nathalie & Lauren
lecture: lecture Manu Keirse (author of ‘Vingerafdruk van verdriet’, ‘Helpen bij verlies en verdriet’)
choreography: élan danse & dancers: Cliff, Damiano, Lauren, Lucca, Nathalie, Sandrine and Tobi