Cheyenne Illegems & Davide Cooreman

  • Performance


15.06.2024 20:00

16.06.2024 15:00



Vredestraat 16
2600 Berchem

The performance will take place in the café of De Nieuwe Vrede. You are welcome from 19h30 for a drink, afterwards of course as well ;). See you then!

Suncertainia is a land where fears exist, soap bubbles have healing powers and gratitude conquers.
A place where singing your thoughts is deadly normal and everyone is a pop star.

1 thing is certain: The sun does not always shine hard in Suncertainia, but it does shine.

In this performance, expect themes like: being in your twenties in this century, insecurities, fears, as well as crazy references to the pop/musical scene.

Welcome to Suncertainia.
Come as a backing vocal, leave as Beyoncé.

About Cheyenne Illegems & Davide Cooreman

We are Cheyenne (graduated dancer) & Davide (graduated jazz singer & in live electronics).
For this performance, we have joined forces: Davide makes the music, together we write the lyrics and Cheyenne provides the dance.
The common factor? A love of singing.

Cheyenne Illegems:
I am a dancer/maker and combine this with my passion for teaching. Besides movement, I have always been fascinated by singing and film. So in my artistic work, I like to be involved in voice and gestures. I find it interesting to create movements that are between the narrative/theatrical and the completely abstract. A zone in which interpretation of the spectator is possible. I also enjoy singing in a choir every Wednesday evening. For me, the voice is something very personal in which I can express a lot of myself.

Davide Cooreman:
I am Davide, singer by training at the conservatory. Besides giving music lessons, I mainly fill my days composing music. This ranges from quiet ballads on the piano to techno in the early hours of a dark club. What is always central to my music is the search for a balance between the city and nature. A search that also keeps me busy outside music in my daily life.