André Maes en Sonja Coeckelbergh
03.06.2023 00:00
Gravenhof Cultuurcentrum
Louisalei 7
2660 Hoboken
Dimensions of individual thinking, individual being and an individual world full of thought and ideas.
You are confronted with the danger of remaining in your own reality too long as well as the danger inherent in the attempt to escape it.
Lieselot combines various dance styles and varieties of music in the production, interspersed with a poetry slam from Emma Acke.
Lieselot Arnouts (°2001) is a dancer and choreographer who entered the world of dance at a very young age.
She has become increasingly passionate and comfortable in different styles of dance.
She is now passing that love on to a new generation in her work as a teacher.
However, she continues to transcend limitations: literally, by following workshops abroad, and figuratively, by continuing to rise to new challenges.
'Eigen Realiteit' is her first large-scale creation to be performed.