The EVEs: Behind My Scenes

Amina Iddrisu

  • Performance


12.10.2023 20:00

It's not required to reserve tickets.


Café Arsenaal
Hanswijkstraat 63
2800 Mechelen

Entrance via the walkway in the Kruidtuin.

‘How many times have your emotions been fighting one another today?’ It’s a bizarre way of asking how you are doing.
But nevertheless, not so strange when you are trying to find out what is troubling someone.

Dancer and creator Amina Iddrisu takes you on a ‘behind the scenes tour’ inside her head and opens the conversation.
‘The EVEs’ presents an eternal investigation into her own emotions and mental health. What started as a way to reconnect with others after a period of depression, has since grown into the thread of her career. The goal? To share with, learn from and encourage each other.

About Amina Iddrisu

A dancer, performer and creator, Amina has featured in several pieces (Snap XL, Socha On Fire, JOBO...) and has many fine projects planned in the coming months. From theatre performances to trajectories for (young) makers, from dance hall to contemporary, from Liège to Denmark … With curiosity as a travel guide, nothing is too crazy.

Would you like to keep up to date with Amina's (new) projects and undertakings? Then be sure to keep an eye on her Instagram account.