Stichting Danielle Huyghe - HACKED, A hybrid clusterfuck where film, AI and dance are conflicting one another.

Stichting Danielle Huyghe

  • Performance


13.03.2025 20:00

19.04.2025 20:00

23.05.2025 00:00

23.01.2025 00:00

17.05.2025 00:00

16.05.2025 20:00

02.05.2025 20:00

22.04.2025 14:00



Different theatres in Belgium and The Netherlands / Dansstorm festival Bruges
8000 Brugge

Welcome to the program HACKED, designer to find humanity again.

In the future, humanity is psychologically fused with technology and probably the point will come when man as a being with individual expression will become extinct. A final rescue attempt is a radical program to free mankind from the collective technological trap. humanity must be taught to be an individual again, with all the beauty and ugliness of our past.

About Stichting Danielle Huyghe

Danielle Huyghe is a Belgian choreographer based in Rotterdam (NL) and Antwerp (BE). She took her preliminary training in contemporary dance at the! Kunsthumaniora (Antwerp) and obtained her Bachelor of Dance at ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (Arnhem, NL). She is currently completing her Master Theater at the Toneelacademie Maastricht (NL). Since graduating, Danielle has worked with renowned choreographers such as Liesbet Hermans, Constantin Trommlitz and WYF MIME company. She also created her own work including, Out of The Blue, Into The Blue, Club 27 and L`Heure bleue bleue and more. She has already won several awards, including “Best Choreography” at 25Masdanza and the “Jury Prize” at Lago Film Festival (IT).
Her work has been presented internationally at festivals and venues such as Theater Rotterdam, EYE Filmmuseum (Amsterdam), Festival 10 Sentidos (ES), Opera Prima Festival (IT), and many more.
Naast haar choreografische praktijk is Danielle actief als gastdocent en coach bij onder andere de! Kunsthumaniora, ArtEZ Vooropleiding en de Toneelacademie Maastricht. In 2024-2025 ontwikkelt ze nieuwe projecten, waaronder de kortfilm SYNC, de avondvullende voorstelling HACKED, en de voorstelling FRAMED in samenwerking met Korrel Film en Passerelle VZW.